
Kiln Grease HT™


The aluminum complex thickener utilized in KILN GREASE HT was selected for its excellent stability, temperature and water resistance. The thickener, combined with friction reducing polymers and boundary lubricants, aids in forming a stronger seal against the intrusion of water and waterborne contaminants helping to extend the useful life of the grease while increasing the lubrication properties.


The high viscosity base fluid helps in giving the grease its high temperature and EP characteristics. KILN GREASE HT is less volatile and oxidizes slower than conventional petroleum oil greases, and does not tend to cross link and rubberize like silicone based systems. This allows the grease to be used at elevated temperatures and high loads with reduced greasing intervals.



For steel mill, pulp and paper mills, applications where solvent and water mix in an emulsion to cool or temper steel. Ideally suited for electrical motor bearings grease, for extreme high speed, and high temperature applications.


Not recommended for oxygen service.

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